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Data sources

The online app 'Places of German-Jewish History' combines georeferenced information from a number of data sources.

Wikipedia | The app contains links to thousands of articles from the German Wikipedia edition as well as links leading to respective Wikipedia articles in other languages.

epidat | Steinheim-Institut's online database for Jewish tombstone epigraphy contains information on more than 150 documented Jewish cemeteries and digital editions of about 30,000 headstone inscriptions.

Stolpersteine | Also based on the German edition of Wikipedia, the app provides users with the description and location of numerous 'stolpersteine'. (This feature is not yet available in its entirety.)

Nazi book burnings | A list of those places used for Nazi book burnings in 1933, which was exclusively created for the app.

Bibliography of German-Jewish history in North Rine-Westphalia | By cooperating with the georeferenced bibliography, the app provides users with references to literary works connected with their current place of interest in NRW.